Lifelong learning is your personal reward. This is what you do for yourself
and at the same time, you get personal and professional benefits.
However, in many cases, the motivation to learn can be lost. This is due to
the fact that in order to achieve reward in learning, you will need to spend
personal and spiritual time. This is where discipline is another skill you will
need to develop.
Here are five reasons to stay motivated for ongoing learning and
1. Economic benefits of lifelong learning
This is the most obvious fact, but few people think about it. Now, such a
time when everything is developing not just quickly, but rapidly. Jobs that
require relatively basic knowledge, such as from the production line to
accounting, continue to move towards automation. That is, these specialists can
be replaced by "robots", so to speak.
Most of us are kind to our current job. People change jobs often. And those
who work in one place for a long time noticed it is important. The nature of
work is constantly changing. For prosperity and financial well-being, we simply
have to (ourselves) develop.
Learning new things isn't just about developing skills and knowledge in
your field. It is becoming increasingly important to have well-structured
knowledge, a sense of perspective, and be able to use a variety of learning
experiences to generate new ideas and ways of doing things. As clear as it
sounds, the ability to do it (at least for now) is what separates the average
person from the average machine. At least when it comes to pure economic
And that brings us to the next benefit - the mental benefit.
2. Psychological benefits of lifelong learning
Obviously, lifelong learning expands your knowledge; just as important, it
expands your ability to use that knowledge in different ways. When you are
truly ready for it, lifelong learning opens and strengthens your mind, helping
you to see and appreciate new opportunities. It embraces creativity and
At the same time, lifelong learning is a conscious and focused approach to
life. He is not guided only by the instincts, emotions, and desires of others. This
is nothing more than personal philosophy in action.
3. The cognitive benefits of lifelong learning
As stated on Wikipedia, knowledge is "a group of mental processes
involving attention, memory, language production and understanding, problem-solving and decision making." Lifelong learning is beneficial for all of
these processes.
If, on the other hand, you combine active learning with exercise, good
nutrition, and adequate sleep, your mind will act as a powerful engine in
Formula 1.
In conclusion, the process of self-education throughout life helps keep our
brains in good working order. As we continue to live longer and longer, this is
an advantage that is hard to ignore.
4. Social benefits
Think about it: a huge percentage of what you know comes from outside. For
example, you are watching and listening to your parents, experimenting and
testing new ideas or skills with friends; family, and coworkers who have taken
risks and failed or succeeded in relation to others.
All of this is part of a lifelong learning process. Learning generates
social commitment. We often interact with new people, because we want to learn
from them and with them. And this is the result of social commitment that we
often don't even realize.
There are many personal benefits to all this socialization. For example,
there are examples that people with strong social connections tend to be
happier and live longer. Groups that learn and adapt become more resilient over
5. Spiritual benefits of lifelong learning.
Learning feeds the spirit. It gives us purpose, emphasizes, it fuels a
sense of fulfillment.
In the famous Bob Dylan song "It's Alright, Ma", there is a line:
"He is not busy with birth, busy with death." In this line, you can
easily replace “born” with “learns” (although, of course, this is not suitable
for such a good song).
Philosophers long before Dylan had a similar attitude to the value of
learning and the need to have a place in our lives. After all, you are also
interested in reading these lines. This sounds right and useful to you. Lifelong
learning can give your life great meaning as it is your personal reward.
Education is very important for each of us. If you like to learn new, interesting and useful things, subscribe to our groups. And if you have anything to add to these five points, do it in the comments below.